- Connect to the Azure Storage blob service endpoint
- Enumerate the existing containers
- Create a new container by using the SDK
- Upload a new blob by using the portal
- Access blob URI by using the SDK
1. In the editor, in the ImagesController class on line 26, observe the GetCloudBlobContainer method and the code used to retrieve a container.
2. In the ImagesController class on line 36, observe the Get method and the code used to retrieve all blobs asynchronously from the images container.
3. In the ImagesController class on line 55, observe the Post method and the code used to persist an uploaded image to Storage.
In the editor, in the IndexModel class on line 30, observe the OnGetAsync method and the code used to retrieve the list of images
from the API.
2. In the IndexModel class on line 41, observe the OnPostAsync method and the code used to stream an uploaded image to the back-end API.
Source: https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/AZ-204-DevelopingSolutionsforMicrosoftAzure/
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